You’ve Received the Job Offer: Now What?
Posted December 17, 2011 | 0 CommentsCongratulations! You’ve been offered the job. Now you have a big decision to make; the ball is on your side of the court. Please be sure to take time to think about all of the factors involved in making this decision. Although the starting wage or salary offered is important,
it is not the only thing you should consider in deciding whether you should accept or decline the job offer. Other things to consider include the following:Geographic Location – How far will you have to commute for work?
Work Schedule – will you be required to work a set schedule and shift? Will your hours vary? Is overtime required? Are weekends and/or Holidays required?
Benefits – Are benefits offered and is there a waiting period for those benefits? How much will they cost? What benefits are offered?
Work Environment – Will you have your own office or be required to share an office with another employee or more? Is this a professional setting or more of a relaxed atmosphere?
Dress Code – Are you comfortable with the company’s policy on dress and other policies?
Job Description – Are you truly confident in your abilities to perform the job? Are you a true fit for this company and position and are they a fit for you?
Again, your compensation is important; however, if you’re not happy with the other factors listed above, your chances of long-term, satisfying employment with the company are on the low end of the spectrum. So, after reviewing all of the factors important to you, you decide that you will accept the offer. There’s not much you need to do except tell the employer that you appreciate the offer and accept it. On the other hand, perhaps you are happy with the factors listed above except not with the offer of compensation? Can you negotiate? Well, it depends.
If you are being offered an entry-level position, you really don’t have much negotiating power. Those job seekers with experience are more likely to be successful in negotiating their salary/wage because they have education and/or experience to support them. Whether you’re a new college graduate or a job seeker with 10-15 years of experience, be sure that you take the time to think about all that is included in the offer of employment you receive.
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