Lunch Interview Etiquette

Okay, the fact that you were asked to attend a “lunch interview” is a sign that the boss or manager already approves of you. If you have been in a formal office interview with the same firm and then received the call for the lunch meeting, it is a very clear indication that you are a strong candidate. […]

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Interview Tips for Return-to-Work Moms©

In today’s tough economic climate many of the more than 5 million work-at-home moms are deicing to return to work to help meet expenses.  As a retuning mom, the most important factor for successful interviewing is to be confident and self assured and know that your skill set and accomplishments will leave in good standing when compared with […]

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Interview Checklist: Things to remember Before Your Appointment©

If you are scheduled for a job interview this following checklist will guide you in thinking about how best to prepare to make a great impression. Pre-interview tasks Research the company and the job itself. Most of your research can be completed online using such sources as Dun and Bradstreet and Moody’s Investor Service. You can also search […]

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How to Write a Cover Letter

Although it is not always required, sending a cover letter to an employer is an excellent way to introduce yourself and your resume.  It is important, though, that your cover letter is not merely a summary of the same information presented on the resume. The key is to make a connection to the employer and describe for them […]

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How to Save a Plummeting Interview

“Did I just say that out loud?!” you scream in your mind. This is a moment that you dread in a social setting, but it is even more calamitous when it happens during a job interview. Whether you used an embarrassing word by mistake, used an entirely incorrect word for a simple issue, or have nothing to say […]

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How to Evaluate a Prospective Employer©

A Gallup Poll which surveyed over one million employees across diverse industries, found that the two most common reasons that people leave their jobs is not related to salary but due to poor working relationships with their supervisor or lack of cultural fit. The results show that most employees recognize that job satisfaction is due to more than […]

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